From Damnation to Salvation

If the United States of America, and its democratic republic, are to survive, we must move from complaining about Washington to fixing it. 

It's easy to complain. We're very good at that. The harder thing is to dedicate more energy to solving a problem than debating it.  


We are what we do. By changing what we do, we change who we are. 


The same holds for the Federal Government. Its demise is not inevitable. 


On the book's last page, I mention putting the 90-Degree Turn theory into a working model. In pursuit of that goal, I have configured the logic for a central component of the theory, the Needs Monitor. 


Sometime during the first quarter of 2023, I plan to complete a specification for a working prototype of the Needs Monitor. It's the first step in pivoting Washington while aligning it with the needs of the country and cutting waste and redundancy.

We'll need funding. If you have any eccentric friends or uncles who don't mind taking on the impossible, please direct them to me:

On behalf of America’s future, I say thank you!

Fred Eberlein

After earning an undergraduate degree in Political Science in 1975, JB Fred Eberlein went to Washington in search of a master's and a future in foreign service. But instead of entering the government, he became a beltway bandit – a salesman of computer services and software to Washington’s extensive bureaucracy.

In 1991, his journey went global when he moved to Germany with Oracle Corporation. There he worked with the U.S. Army Europe as it right-sized in the wake of the USSR’s collapse. Later, the author moved to Vienna, Austria, where he led sales for Oracle in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary, before joining Sweden’s Scala Business Solutions and moving to Budapest.

An entrepreneur and self-described nobody, the author's firsthand experience with the corruption that has fueled the U.S. Federal Government's decline makes this book – his first – essential reading for anyone who wants to break from the noise of politics and return to the business of America.

Holocaust 2.0


The Time to Cut-off Congress is Now or Never