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Welcome to Dialogue

Derived from the Greek word dialogos, the meaning of the word dialogue has not changed over millennia.  

Dialogue enables us to understand and to be understood. Dialogue is about solving problems, not hyping them. It's our best weapon in the arsenal for doing better

Footnote: In tribute to my father.

Many years ago, while a marketing executive at Pfizer, my dad introduced a program named Dialogue. Rather than the usual medical conference presentations from a range of experts, Dialogue was about bringing those experts together and having them discuss and debate diseases and therapies. It was a huge success that earned him an award from the American Society of Family Physicians (AAFP). Before then, only medical doctors had received AAFP awards.

Dialogue is not only an appropriate title because it fits with The 90-Degree Turn philosophy, but also to honor my father for demonstrating its essence.

Fred Eberlein Fred Eberlein

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